Tag Archives: Closers

Reviewing Content – The Art of Closure

In a previous post we discussed that closers are those activities that; allowed students to review content in an interactive way; ties the training together and; provides an opportunity for a celebration.  Closers may be written into the course to end … Continue reading

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Mixers, Openers and Pop-Ups

A lot goes into facilitating a good training and one of the key skills of a good trainer is knowing when to “call and audible” and insert an activity into a curriculum.  Having a variety of Mixers, Openers, Closers and Pop-Ups … Continue reading

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Window Panes

I recently had the opportunity to attend a train the trainer for curriculum designers.  One of the things I walked away with was the need for a closer for each section of training.  It is one of the most overlooked and … Continue reading

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