Author Archives: Michael Curtis

About Michael Curtis

Michael is a Master Trainer who loves making learning fun and interactive. He has worked as a trainer for numerous government agencies at the federal, state and county level which has led him to be able to train around the world. A certified currriculum developer through both Langevin and Bob Pike, Michael enjoys creating training that is interactive, improves retention and is fun. He teaches supervision, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, cultural diversity and anything else his boss tells him. He supervises a dedicated and industrious team of trainers located throughout the state of Texas. In addition to his daytime job he is a husband, father, deacon, and sunday school director. On the day each year he is not involved in these activities he likes photography, reading and playing X-Box. Michael types in third person when describing myself…I mean himself. Michael can be contacted at

Take It or Leave It

From Guest Contributor Laura Pouarz, Training Specialist for the Center for Learning and Organizational Excellence “You can please all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot please all the people … Continue reading

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Image Resources

Just a quick post with some image resources.  Hi resolution images were difficult to find at one time.  Not any longer.  Check out the images at  Free to use with no strings attached.

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Graduating with Gratitude

I have to admit that I often rush graduation from a course. I know reviewing material and wrapping up a course is important.  However, after five to ten days in a class I often just want to get home to Momma. … Continue reading

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Easily Organized Table Settings

I have always been impressed with trainers who have a well prepared room when you walk in. Arriving early, or even the evening before, to set up a room ensures that participants walk into a room that is prepared for … Continue reading

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You Aught to Be in Pictures

Many of us shy away from pictures and run screaming when someone tries to video us.  I recently learned the value of filming yourself in the classroom during certification for Verbal Defense and Influence, a class I will be teaching numerous times … Continue reading

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Calming the Internal Storm – Creating Your Rocky Ritual

I used to get nervous, really nervous, before a class.  Sweaty palms, sweaty underarms, sweaty…well, you get the idea.  It has been said that people fear talking in front of people more than death.  That means the person in the … Continue reading

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Reviewing Content – The Art of Closure

In a previous post we discussed that closers are those activities that; allowed students to review content in an interactive way; ties the training together and; provides an opportunity for a celebration.  Closers may be written into the course to end … Continue reading

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New to E-Learning

In this post I simply want to sing the praises of another site that has been very useful to me over the last few years.  As a manager of a distance learning team, I lead a team that provides both … Continue reading

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The Trinity – Three Books That Are a Must Read for New Trainers

Great trainers are great readers.  It is one of the first helpful pieces of advice that I was given as a new trainer years ago.  Want to train people on leadership, you will need to read books on leadership, remember … Continue reading

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Timers in the Classroom

One of my favorite resource discoveries in 2014 was the online timer.  These web-based timers have a number of different options ranging from a stopwatch to a snail race (my current favorite).  After setting the timer a shot is heard … Continue reading

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