Author Archives: Michael Curtis

About Michael Curtis

Michael is a Master Trainer who loves making learning fun and interactive. He has worked as a trainer for numerous government agencies at the federal, state and county level which has led him to be able to train around the world. A certified currriculum developer through both Langevin and Bob Pike, Michael enjoys creating training that is interactive, improves retention and is fun. He teaches supervision, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, cultural diversity and anything else his boss tells him. He supervises a dedicated and industrious team of trainers located throughout the state of Texas. In addition to his daytime job he is a husband, father, deacon, and sunday school director. On the day each year he is not involved in these activities he likes photography, reading and playing X-Box. Michael types in third person when describing myself…I mean himself. Michael can be contacted at

Posters and Charts

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Quality posters in a classroom are often an expense that can be significant to many, but if you have any artistic skills at all you can use flip charts to add a little professionalism and pizzaz to your class.  Let’s look … Continue reading

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Can You Eat a Pop-Up

Well, you can if you are in the north-east, but here we are talking about a different kind of pop-up.  As stated in previous posts, using pop-ups in your training provides a way to break up content, get people on … Continue reading

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Stories and Tales in Training

  After hearing my “Mole” analogy in a training on change management (I’m from East Texas and grew up on a farm), a friend asked if I would consider writing out some of my stories.  Unfortunately, I have neither the … Continue reading

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Mixers, Openers and Pop-Ups

A lot goes into facilitating a good training and one of the key skills of a good trainer is knowing when to “call and audible” and insert an activity into a curriculum.  Having a variety of Mixers, Openers, Closers and Pop-Ups … Continue reading

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Window Panes

I recently had the opportunity to attend a train the trainer for curriculum designers.  One of the things I walked away with was the need for a closer for each section of training.  It is one of the most overlooked and … Continue reading

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A Better Use for Power Point

Participants make a determination concerning your professionalism and credibility within seconds of entering the training room. How the room is set up, what you are wearing, how you greet them and the overall environment set the stage for a successful 3 hour, … Continue reading

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Choosing the Leader

Please don’t call on me. It’s what they’re thinking.  At least some of your participants are scared to death that you will ask a questions and turn a wary eye their way, point them out, and demand an answer. One … Continue reading

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Breaking Into Groups

Groupies When it is time to break participant’s into groups how can you make the process smooth and effective.  Here are a few things to consider… If you’re looking for simplicity, there is nothing easier than numbering off.  To make … Continue reading

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The Trainer’s Toolbox

Much is said about adding tools to your “toolbox.” Trainers are often adding skill sets and learning different methods to train participants.  However, I have another tool box, a real one, which I use to keep those essential items I will need … Continue reading

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Coloring and the Tactile Learner

Many adults love to color. One thing I have found over the years is that by laying out a few coloring pages and some crayons many adults will keep their hands busy, and their mind active, when someone is providing … Continue reading

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