Take It or Leave It

From Guest Contributor Laura Pouarz, Training Specialist for the Center for Learning and Organizational Excellence

“You can please all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot please all the people all the time.” After receiving some less than favorable feedback from a class, I thought about this quote and wondered how I could reach more of the people in my classroom. After talking to a developer, I got an idea. This person told me she gets distracted by things on the table during training (people’s water and coffee cups, pens, markers, food, fidget toys, etc.). However, she is still a kinetic learner and needs to have something in her hands to fidget with in order to concentrate. I am the opposite and do not care for distractions in class. How could I teach a class and please learners like me and learners like her? After a discussion, we realized it was a personal choice. Some people wanted to take the fidget toys, adult coloring books, word find puzzles and other people prefer to leave it. That’s when I created the “Take it or Leave it” table in my classroom. During the housekeeping part of class, I introduce the idea of the “Take it or Leave it” table in the back of the room. I encourage participants to take what they want or leave it. This gives them the freedom of choice and more control over their learning environment. The table is located in the back of the room with a sign that says, “Take it or Leave it”. It is filled with fidget type toys, adult coloring sheets, content and non-content related word find and crossword puzzles and of course a candy dish! The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Participants love it!

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Image Resources

Broken Bow Tree RootJust a quick post with some image resources.  Hi resolution images were difficult to find at one time.  Not any longer.  Check out the images at unsplash.com.  Free to use with no strings attached.

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Graduating with Gratitude

I have to admit that I often rush graduation from a course. I know reviewing material and wrapping up a course is important.  However, after five to ten days in a class I often just want to get home to Momma.

I recently attended a class in which the instructor completed the course with a “Gratitude” Graduation.  The process is simple:

  1. Give everyone a certificate of graduation that belongs to someone else in the class
  2. Give everyone 5 minutes to allow them to find the person whose certificate they are holding.  When they do, they must tell the person they are awarding the certificate to something they appreciated about them during their time in class.  It may be comments they made, their sense of humor, or their insight.

This exercise completes the course on a positive note.  Everyone is affirmed, valued and appreciated.  It is a win-win for everyone.


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Easily Organized Table Settings

Table SettingI have always been impressed with trainers who have a well prepared room when you walk in. Arriving early, or even the evening before, to set up a room ensures that participants walk into a room that is prepared for learning. Me, I like table settings that are visually appealing, take into account different learning styles, and that add energy to the class from the beginning. Continue reading

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You Aught to Be in Pictures

actor-on-stageMany of us shy away from pictures and run screaming when someone tries to video us.  I recently learned the value of filming yourself in the classroom during certification for Verbal Defense and Influence, a class I will be teaching numerous times in the coming years.  As part of the certification you spend a LOT of time in front of the camera.  As part of the certification I had to complete a teach-back and during this time I was filmed for 3 hours.  What a lesson. Continue reading

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Calming the Internal Storm – Creating Your Rocky Ritual

nervousI used to get nervous, really nervous, before a class.  Sweaty palms, sweaty underarms, sweaty…well, you get the idea.  It has been said that people fear talking in front of people more than death.  That means the person in the casket is better off  than the person giving the eulogy. Continue reading

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Reviewing Content – The Art of Closure

In a previous post we discussed that closers are those activities that; allowed students to review content in an interactive way; ties the training together and; provides an opportunity for a celebration.  Closers may be written into the course to end a unit of training or may be used to review the entire course.  Here are a couple of my favorites: Continue reading

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New to E-Learning

CaptureIn this post I simply want to sing the praises of another site that has been very useful to me over the last few years.  As a manager of a distance learning team, I lead a team that provides both classroom and distance learning.  As you can tell from most of my posts, I have a personal love for classroom training.  However, I had to learn and must continue to learn about the benefits and challenges of distance learning.  One of the best resources I have found is the Articulate web site.  Articulate is a tool used to plan, design and publish web-based training.  As with all business, they have a product to sale.  However, they have also shown a committment to educating trainers through their Rapid E-Learning Blog hosted by Tom Kuhlmann and through their E-Learning Community who shares experiences and resources.  Enrolling in the community takes only a few moments, has no cost, and does not result in a gazillion e-mails jamming up your in-box.  In just the past week I have downloaded free vector graphics in a PowerPoint format, high definition free use graphics,  and a number of blurred backgrounds that are immediately ready for use.   Check them out today for a little self-training and don’t forget to look around for free resources.


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The Trinity – Three Books That Are a Must Read for New Trainers

logo_rif3Great trainers are great readers.  It is one of the first helpful pieces of advice that I was given as a new trainer years ago.  Want to train people on leadership, you will need to read books on leadership, remember emotional stories that relay the importance of leadership, and have a library of inspirational quotes concerning leadership.  The same thing applies about anything you want to teach effectively.  Technology, supervision, ethics, performance.  Whatever you teach, you will need to be well read on the subject to be effective. Continue reading

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Timers in the Classroom

snail-racing-timerOne of my favorite resource discoveries in 2014 was the online timer.  These web-based timers have a number of different options ranging from a stopwatch to a snail race (my current favorite).  After setting the timer a shot is heard and three snails engage in a neck and neck race to the finish line.  At the end of the time, one of the snails is the victor.

Joshua Bann, one of my fellow trainers, allows participants to bet on the race and awards stickers to those who guess correctly.  The awarded stickers are compiled throughout the training (for this and other activities)  and a small prize is awarded at the end of training for the person with the most stickers.

A plethora of timers may be located at www.online-stopwatch.com.  the snail race timer is located under the classroom timers on the site located here.  Once on the page, scroll to the bottom to see the snails.

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